Friday, January 30, 2009

Toddler Mom Fighting Boredom- [my 1st post]

Hello, my name is Melinda and I'm new to the blogging world. So new, in fact, that this is my 2nd post ever (if you don't count myspace;) ) My 1st post, like this one, was for an assignment, but to my dismay, was not fitting for my assignment criteria [for the class]. So here I go, on with my 2nd, 1st blog ever;)

I'm 26, and married with 2 children. As my title would suggest, one of them, Maya, is a toddler (age 3 1/2). My other daughter, Matia, is nine months, and soon enough, I will have to find activities for both of them.

For many of us stay-at-home moms, we all know how boring life can be. Of course I mean boring in the sense of finding things to do with/for your toddler, rather than cleaning, cooking, and negotiating with your 3-yr-old:) Throughout my past 3, almost 4 yrs. of mommyhood, I'm figuring out, slowly, the many activities around the Gainesville area that are engaging to my youngens:) Whether it be regional activities, such as the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire], or group activities, such as playgroups, this blog represents my journey in finding cool things to do in Gainesville, that help keep our toddlers busy.